Series of Movie: Morley Robertson: Wake up to today’s world seen in “West World”
What does Morley Robertson, who says that the emotions felt from the evil the Covid-19a are tied up in the series, want to convey? -
“How Does Art Heal the Human Body?” Part 1. Why do we need culture in order to live? Toshiro Inaba, a trailblazer in the world…
There’s something that medicine and art have in common; both fields restore this wholeness us humans have. We have our inner world of life and the outer world, filled with rules. Art is necessary to close the gaps that occur in the unconsciousness. -
Daisuke Gemma talks to Jun Takahashi About What It Means to “Make Noise”
Daisuke Gemma talks to Jun Takahashi about his thoughts on music and the background behind his UNDERCOVER collection. What will be the result of their collaboration? -
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TOKION Vol. 1 released on July 28 Special feature “OBSERVE”
The culture magazine “TOKION”, which was first published in 1996, is now back in print. Under the theme of “sending Japan’s cutting edge culture to the world”, the magazine and the web, the shop will be opened in Shibuya Miyashita park. -
“TOKION” has been renewed. “TOKiON the STORE”, a shop that utilizes digital media and E-commerce, opened in Miyashita Park.
It started as a platform to develop multifaceted digital media, including magazines, E-commerce and the concept shop “TOKiON the STORE”. -
Artist Geoff McFetridge’s collaboration collection with TOKION of artwork on “verb” motifs
Starting with OBSERVE, a series of artwork on verb motifs led to BROWSE, EXCHANGE and other artwork flavored with Geoff’s characteristic humor. -
What is the place of abstract paintings in digital era? French painter Pierre Soulages discusses his work with art curator Hans Ulrich Obrist. -
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The heart and soul ensconced in works by Shohei Otomo done in collaboration with Gucci: Art with a visceral appeal
The artist Shohei Otomo imbues his artworks done in ballpoint pen with a message and soul. This article will pursue Otomo’s appeal based on these recent, newly drawn works done in collaboration with Gucci. -
The Launch of a Flower Shop that Gives Hope to the World: Human Connections Made Through Flowers
AMKK gives flowers to people for free in destinations around the globe. For their first launch in Tokyo, we reflect back on how the project came about. -
Observations from the man behind the uniquely evolving mimetic croquettes. The Croket theory as presented by the artist, Yasumasa Morimura involves him disguising himself as various characters such as Van Gogh, Marilyn Monroe as well as others.