(c) Jeff Koons, Photo: Tom Powel Imaging, Courtesy of Mnuchin Gallery, New York. In collaboration with Dadu, Children’s Museum of Qatar (c) Jeff Koons, Photo: Tom Powel Imaging, Courtesy of Mnuchin Gallery, New York. In collaboration with Dadu, Children’s Museum of Qatar (c) Jeff Koons, In collaboration with Dadu, Children’s Museum of Qatar (c) Jeff Koons, In collaboration with Dadu, Children’s Museum of Qatar (c) Jeff Koons, Photo: (c) 2017 Fredrik Nilsen, Courtesy Gagosian. In collaboration with Dadu, Children’s Museum of Qatar (c) Jeff Koons, Photo: (c) 2017 Fredrik Nilsen, Courtesy Gagosian. In collaboration with Dadu, Children’s Museum of Qatar (c) Jeff Koons, Photo: Rebecca Fanuele, Courtesy Almine Rech. In collaboration with Dadu, Children’s Museum of Qatar (c) Jeff Koons, Photo: Rebecca Fanuele, Courtesy Almine Rech. In collaboration with Dadu, Children’s Museum of Qatar (c) Jeff Koons, Photo: Tom Powel Imaging, Courtesy of Mnuchin Gallery, New York. In collaboration with Dadu, Children’s Museum of Qatar (c) Jeff Koons, Photo: Tom Powel Imaging, Courtesy of Mnuchin Gallery, New York. In collaboration with Dadu, Children’s Museum of Qatar (c) Jeff Koons, In collaboration with Dadu, Children’s Museum of Qatar (c) Jeff Koons, In collaboration with Dadu, Children’s Museum of Qatar (c) Jeff Koons, Photo: Tom Powel Imaging. In collaboration with Dadu, Children’s Museum of Qatar (c) Jeff Koons, Photo: Tom Powel Imaging. In collaboration with Dadu, Children’s Museum of Qatar (c) Jeff Koons, Photo: 2017 Fredrik Nilsen, Courtesy Gagosian In collaboration with Qatar Children’s Museum (c) Jeff Koons, Photo: 2017 Fredrik Nilsen, Courtesy Gagosian In collaboration with Qatar Children’s Museum
クーンズは、1955年アメリカ・ペンシルベニア州生まれで、現在はニューヨークを拠点に活動している。11月21日~2022年3月31日には、カタールで初めての個展『Jeff Koons: Lost in America」が開催予定となっている。クーンズは今回のコレクションについて、「『ユニクロ』の服が、カルチャーや世代の垣根を超えて受け入れられていることは、とても素晴らしいことです。このコラボレーションによって、世界中の人達が『UT』という共通の服でつながり、アートが日常を豊かにする一助になればと思います」と完成を喜んだ。