The culture magazine "TOKION",
which was first published in 1996,
is now back in print. Under the theme
of "sending Japan's cutting-edge
culture to the world", the magazine
and the web, the shop will be opened
in Shibuya Miyashita park.

The meaning of “OBSERVE” in this
special feature refers to objectively
viewing the state of things and
changes to them with great
attention and care. In French this
also carries the connotation of
correctly ascertaining a subject
through one’s wisdom. Intently
observing certain tangibles and
intangibles offers us the impetus to
reconsider our views of the everyday
phenomena that we take for
granted and to consider new
realizations (discoveries). This also
has the purpose of leading the
reader to a desire to newly take
action through structures that
furnish them with a blank canvas.

The specs involve six booklets and
three tabloids that have been
enclosed within original boxes.
This is not the ordinary way in which
magazines are bound. The reason
that these special features have
such volume is because it is clear
that each of these artists "Observe,"
no matter what order they are read
in. The participating contributors
include the French artist Pierre
Soulages, the artist Tadanori Yokoo,
the three-piece band Kukangendai,
the comedian Korokke, and an artist
collective with eight people in it,
each of which compiled together
their "Observations."


With observation, the objective is
not just to look carefully at a subject.
What do you select, and what is it
that you notice within this? Even in
locations lacking in grandeur and
majesty there are plenty of
noteworthy things all around you.
To the various observers located
here, perhaps the sound of a bread
kneading machine sounds like a
samba, or maybe they sense
something special in stones
scattered by the roadside. At any
rate, we should cast our gaze
around at our surroundings, and
both watch and listen intently to
what catches our interest, even
touch them. While this approach
may be simple and time-consuming,
it is sure to lead you to new
discoveries and knowledge, and to
finding that which is "uniquely you."
And that is because observation is
an everyday skill that enriches our

Special Feature

The artists Tadanori Yokoo and Shohei Otomo both created works
by observing design elements from Gucci. This is an original movie
that selects some of the motifs, rough drawings that formed part of their
creative process, and more that served as their sources of inspiration.